Akash Console development is making real progress, with the majority of new contributions coming from the community — and new fe

04 Apr 2023, 21:03
Akash Console development is making real progress, with the majority of new contributions coming from the community and new features on the way. Open-source product development makes it possible for talented folks around the world to help build Akash's open cloud. 🛠️☁️ Update on @akashnet_ console development is ongoing: - Community: +3 more issues our community is working on - AuthZ: Internal staging for mvp today - GPU: beta3/GPU support by Wednesday Contribute to help access our open cloud🤝:

Same news in other sources

05 Apr 2023, 10:01
Update : Akash Network console development is ongoing: - Community: +3 more issues our community is working on - AuthZ: Internal staging for mvp today - GPU: beta3/GPU support by Wednesday Here are the issues being worked by our amazing community - - Contribute to help access our open cloud🤝
Update :. Akash Network console development is ongoing:. - Community: +3 more issues our community is working on.
Update : Akash Network console development is ongoing: https://console.akash.network/new-deployment - Community: +3 more issues our community is working on - AuthZ: Internal staging for mvp today - GPU: beta3/GPU support by Wednesday Here are the issues being worked by our amazing community - https://github.com/akash-network/console/issues/30 - https://github.com/akash-network/console/issues/94 Contribute to help access our open cloud🤝